Porting Guide CM Based Roms for MT67XX

watch_later 2016/10/22
comment 1 Comment

this Porting Guide CM Based ROMs for MT67XX

Copy these files from /System in stock ROM to /System in port

From /System/bin Copy


From /System/etc Copy

 /System/etc/­firmware Folder
 /System/etc/mddb Folder

From /System/lib and /System/lib64 Copy


From /System/lib/hw and /System/lib64/hw Copy


Copy whole folder from /System/lib/Egl and /System/lib64/Egl
  Edit boot image (kernel/zimage) from stock to port

Edit Mount points
 Zip and flash!

 Mad Skill Skill
 Mt67xx 64 group 

hello bro
is this guide for the same kernel of mt67xx
or different kernel ?

delete 3/16/2017

sentiment_satisfied Emoticon