How to Create an Account on

watch_later 2018/06/22

Here you will get easy way to learn How to Create an account on 4pda Woking %100

1- Download 4PDA app from Play Store From Here

2- OPEN 4PDA App

 Close Tutorial

3- This The Login Page you Need going to Register page

 prees on Регистрация to Access Register page

4- Register page #1

 prees on check_boxЯ прочел правила и согласен с ними ) This Mean ( I read the rules and agree with them )

 prees on ( далее ) This Mean ( Accept )

5- Register page #2

 input your user name in the First box
 input your password in the Second box
 retype your password in the Third box
 input your Email in the fourth box

 prees on ( Регистрация ) This Mean ( Sign Up )

6- now go to your mail Inbox to Activate your E-Mail Account

 Open 4PDA Message

 Open Link inside 4PDA Message to Activate your Account

• ( E-mail подтверждён. ) This Mean ( E-mail was activated. ) Congratulations

7- How to Login, it's so easy!!! From Here

 input your Email in the in the First box
 input your password in the Second box

 prees on check_box( Запомнить? This Mean
( Remember? )

 prees on check_box( Я не могу ввести ответ ) This Mean
( I can not enter the answer ) login link will be sent to your e-mail address.
• Open Link inside 4PDA Message to activate your account

 prees on ( Войти ) This Mean ( Login )

6- now go to your mail Inbox and open 4PDA Message to get login account link 

 Congratulations You Are Logged In


Can i create that with VPN as well?

delete 7/24/2018

You should be able to, 4pad do not block VPNs, like bestvpnrating.cоm

delete 7/24/2018

It works !!!
thank you very much <3 8-)

delete 9/20/2018

Excellent!It worked, thanks alot!

delete 10/01/2018

Man why you stopped poerting roms...please port more roms for infinix x509

delete 10/19/2018

wow thanks man, really helpful

delete 11/17/2018

finally I can register, thank you very much

delete 12/04/2018

Hey help me please. now we need to enter captcha and guess what? it's in russian!! i cant even translate it

delete 12/28/2018

just follow the guide becarefilly

delete 12/29/2018

Thanks for the full detailed guide... It is very helpful.. Finally i can register it..

delete 1/12/2019

A well written guide!!

delete 3/29/2019

Thank you bro

delete 3/29/2020

Thanks mate

delete 6/26/2020

sentiment_satisfied Emoticon